Maiya is a filmmaker that currently resides in New York city. Focusing primarily in post-production, Maiya has worked on many types of projects from promos to feature films for production houses including Discovery Channel, Tribeca Film Festival, Docs In Progress, Birds Nest Productions, and Killer Films. Along with a passion for post-production, Maiya expanded their interest in makeup after working as a key makeup artist for the feature film Martin Eden, where they applied on-camera looks and special effects to background actors and lead cast. As the founder and president of the Virtual Production Club at Sarah Lawrence during their college studies, Maiya has always followed industry trends and technological advances to adapt to new workflows and styles of filmmaking. They successfully encouraged the Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts Department at SLC to incorporate these new methods and technologies into the curriculum. Maiya has continued to master the workflow for virtual production utilizing VR trackers and Unreal Engine. Most recently, Maiya has worked as a Cinematic Gameplay Capture Artist for Rockstar Games
When not working on their next project, Maiya can be found supporting small artists in the local music scene or checking out a new art gallery exhibition.

麦雅目前居住在纽约市,她在 Rockstar Games 担任游戏玩法视频截取艺术家。麦雅主要从事后期制作,为制片厂制作了多种类型的宣传片和专题片,包括 Discovery Channel, Tribeca Film Festival, Docs In Progress, Birds Nest Productions, 和 Killer films. 除了对于后期制作的热爱之外,麦雅在电影 Martin Eden 担任助理化妆师一职后,对化妆产生了浓厚的兴趣,她在影片 Martin Eden 中将摄像机上视觉效果和特殊效果应用于背景演员和主角演员。作为莎拉劳伦斯学院虚拟制作俱乐部 Virtual Production Club at Sarah Lawrence College 的创始人兼主席,麦雅一直跟随业界的潮流及科技发展以适应新的工作流程与电影制作风格。她成功地说服莎拉劳伦斯学院电影制作与影像艺术系 Sarah Lawrence College Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts Department 将这些新的方法和技术纳入课程内。最近,她利用虚拟现实追踪器和 Unreal Engine 学习虚拟生产的工作流程。在下个项目开始以前,你可以看到麦雅在当地音乐现场支持小型音乐家或是参观新的美术馆展览。
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